Friday, June 12, 2009

A Planner Succumbs to Action!

I am a huge planner – sometimes to my detriment. I say that because sometimes I spend so much time planning, that I never get around to doing. When I decided to start my own business, however, I decided things were going to be different. I did plan, but not to the death of the business. The interesting thing is that the focus of the business has evolved fairly significantly over the short year it’s been open, but only because I was actually working on it, and talking to people. Had I just tried to plan the business as it is now, it would never have gotten to this point. Clarity and focus required questions and input from new people, not closed up in a room by myself.

I also vowed to take advantage of opportunities that came up along the way, even if they weren’t part of the original “plan.” If I thought it would move me closer to my goal, I did it. Even if I was scared, even if it was different from anything I had done before, I did it. Although I haven’t reached my goal yet, things are definitely moving forward at a much faster pace than I might have expected.

What about you? Have you found that once you “committed” to your goal it has brought things into your life to support the achievement of that goal?

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